Jul 26Liked by Justice Bartlett

Your way with words is captivating. Thank you for your courage and dedication to yourself. You amaze me. I was telling my daughter all about you and what an incredible woman and writer you are! I am honored to know you! I love you!

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Thank you! It's an honor to know you as well.

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I appreciate your courage and commitment to your life force. Following the goddess movement I have found a little more self appreciation. I use meditation instead off substances to lead me into greater wisdom We all need these things. I am glad you are on journey to find what will support your growth in wisdom and love. I like the writings and website of Molly Remer a goddess follower She is also a great poet and observer of nature.Her website is Brigids grove Sending you love

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Thank you, Francine! It is well worth nurturing and protecting. Meditation is great. It is somatic practices that work for me, and well, as I finished that piece up, a nice chilled rose. Thank you for the asset you mentioned. Honored to have to touched you with my words.

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