So good Justice, an important read. I am glad you made it to your friend's cottage and that now you are home. You are a good human, thank you for being with your friend. Please do take care of yourself as well.

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Thanks, Jan! I did better this time. Less urgency, more space, more balance, more support for me.

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love your grounding work. May your mom recover easily. Much love.

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Thank you. This specific adventure was related to my best friend. My mom's heart attack was years ago. I mentioned it as a reference for how I tend l handle situations like this. Everyone is recuperating nicely.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Justice Bartlett

Wow, what a journey, inside and outside… Im sitting in a hospital bed recovering from a heart blockage … and sending you love and energy angel.,..I’ve been “going to the tree’s “ hugs

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Oh! I hope you recover quickly. Tree hugs are good medicine.

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