Hi Justice, i love this piece. My mentor Michael Meade says this is the first time in history the entire world is going through an initiatory experience all together. We are only now crossing this initiatory threshold. After meaningful rights of passage there is often celebration and a home coming. i have been attending many events, Tantra festivals, burn in the forest, New culture, men’s retreats, singing and chanting retreats and more. i am personally experiencing expanding desire for touch, comforting, making food, singing, making love dancing ecstatically and playing! Community is hungry, malnourished even for these basic needs . i do think community is responding, growing in new ways. the souls desire for meaningful connection is medicinal. These healing spaces are proliferating and a healthy response to forced isolation. thank you again for your writing and the depth of your reflections and ruminations. love Alphonse

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Yes! It is a healthy response.

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Jun 13Liked by Justice Bartlett

Awesome stuff!

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I know you are, but what am I?


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So true, so true. My beloved Richard bought a ranchette in Texas Summer 2019. We began building an intentional community focused on food sovereignty. People came. Most brought their narcissistic wounds, but little desire to learn, to work, to yield to the necessities of coming-into-unity. There were glimpses of communal harmony, but fleeting.

But for the intervention of our Great Mother Earth (Blessed Be Her Breathing) he and I would've been torn asunder.

Summer of '23 a group of five came together and made a community. They cooperated. They fought a little too. When we returned in Autumn they took their separate paths one by one. By New Year we were alone out in the country in West Central Texas. I haven't heard coyotes sing since we left.

Back in Montana we have family and we have a communal garden full of Friends. We work and share the fruits of our labor, and we feed each other. I hope communal gardens catch on.

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