May 3Liked by Justice Bartlett

W O W W O W W O W!!!

You just summed up the "Greatest and Chiefest Calamity of Our Age!" (Tolkien), in what, couple hundred words? My 71 years of tracking, reading, ruminating, recoiling, redirecting, rejoicing, rejoining fighting, withdrawing, rejecting, being rejected and finally landing grounded, in the gruesome truth of this borg thing stalking humanity, and able to see without abject terror because the Ground is my Witness.

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May 2Liked by Justice Bartlett

Wow Justice! I have listened and read lots of things on narcissism but this is the best I have seen on the subject! The perspective you bring in this article is just so right on and eye opening, and it says it all in just a few words, wow!

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Thank you, Natalie! I've been working to understand and articulate it for years as I've healed from my own narcissistic abuse.

I'm glad it's helpful for you!

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