Oct 19, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

Amazing...there are always other options and solutions...you will find them and it will work...there is some lesson....I am confident you will be a leader in a new and better way to facilatate others....

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Thanks so much for the vote of confidence. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

Well Justice you have joined a very large club! I do understand the ramifications for you... I consider myself honored to be among the truth seekers and tellers.... someone has to do it :).... F*ck em.

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I wasn't entirely unprepared, but had I known, I would have prepared more!

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

This has been such a huge UNlearning ...learning experience!

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

(((Justice)))) I want you to know that I sent in a request for your account to be reinstated. I am pissed off that they have cut off your very valuable content from FB. I'm also grateful I followed my gut and subscribed to your posts so I get them in my email account.

I also let people know what I did just in case I'm then punished for questioning FB and advocating for your reinstatement.

Hopefully, an actual person will read my request and you will be reinstated. I used the actual words of their TOS and told them you have not ever violated any of them in your posts. Here's hoping.

Sending you all the love and support I can muster my dear friend and a big hug.

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Thank you so much! That means the world to me.

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I get logged out of FB and have to prove that I am me about once per month. Perhaps instead FB should have to prove that it is really FB and not some 1984-esk evil being?

Then FB flags some innocent group post I made as "not suitable for work", when it is just tech talk.

I think my real "crime" is thought crime, for not being an obedient sheep when liking and commenting on others timelands. Baa humbug to that!

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Samesies! I tend to "play" the algorithm rather effectively, but I guess the bots finally caught up to me.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

I understand your frustration. I have tried to stay out of the shot conversations online too though being so tempted to post credible info that I keep finding. I finally got brave enough to post a page from Vaers. It was immediately covered by a warning that it was misinformation that could distort data. Really? From Vaers? Isn't that supposed to be what needs to be looked at? Anyway, so sorry you have been canceled. What infuriated me further about fb is that they won't let me delete my own post now. I didn't want to leave it up there, advertising as it was, the narrative but I can't even remove my own content now. You might try checking out substack.

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I hear you. Facebook is becoming more totalitarian by the day and they keep messing with the ap and the features.

As for Substack, we're on it right now! I imported my contacts here a few months ago and have been using it since. I like it.

Thanks for sticking with me through all these years!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

LOL that is too funny. I didn't even look at the url. So glad you are over here. Substack authors have kept me sane for the past two and a half years. You are one of the most authentic people I have ever met. I'm glad you are finding alternative avenues for your words, the vibration of your consciousness online and your work.

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Oooh I didn't know you could import contacts into Substack. Thanks for the tip!

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Yep, I brought mine from Mailchimp. 😉

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

I just shared this on Facebook. I am still in disbelief. I know you will rise from this better then ever.

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Thank you! I had the thought of removing myself a while ago, but had I chosen to do that I would have collected my content and made sure everyone knew what was happening so the could join me here. I hope I can continue to grow this platform as means of gathering and interacting with community.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

Oh my god, I was wondering what happened to you! What the actual frigggg!

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Yeah, sorry! I'll be over here now! Please do subscribe and I'll let you guys know when I'm up to something interesting or if I find another platform to play on.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

i call bs... i left you emails sweetie.. i love and support you.. seem the wild women page and bedhead mystic still links here i think i chek again...oh and can always get on discord

love yeah michelle

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I appreciate you looking into that. Hopefully, those groups will still be able to keep going without me. I will look into Discord.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

30 years ago I was posting info about the dangers of growing corporate power. A platform such as FB could be operated as a public utility by the Post Office under its constitutional mandate. Though our current administration is a paragon of totalitarian virtues, at least constitutional protection of free speech would apply

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Facebook has held its position through multiple administrations. It's the unchecked capitalism and the fact that they can essentially create their own massive "echo chamber" that enables them to do what they do. It's all quite unnerving.

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I’ve been missing you and your writing so very much. I attempted to find you again but could not. If you read this message, please know I’ve noticed that you have been missing from my page and it is bothersome to me as you and what you have written has helped me so very much. I so appreciate your feedback and comments on my comments. I was so grateful when you friend requested me years back. It meant so much to me. I am immensely sorry that meta did that to you. They did that to another friend also, whose business was very vanilla and kind. I just don’t understand this crazy time with ai.

Thank you for all you gift us in this world. Plz know how important you are to me and I do miss you. I am a little quiet on social media in general so this is unusual that I’d write this. I am grateful for you and I wish we were still connected on fb. Thank you.

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Hi Beth, that means so much to hear. Thank you for leaving this comment. I'm back on FB, and I am going to to go look you up right now!.

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Wooooow!!!!! I was just thinking tonite...I haven't seen Justice's posts in awhile....what that all about?? I search your name ...couldn't get any thing(but OTHER imposter Justices)..I thought I got booted from your friends list....I've had that happen before from others so wouldn't surprise me.

Until I saw this on someone else's post. Then the REAL WTFs started....


Miss you!!

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Wooooow!!!!! I was just thinking tonite...I haven't seen Justice's posts in awhile....what that all about?? I search your name ...couldn't get any thing(but OTHER imposter Justices)..I thought I got booted from your friends list....I've had that happen before from others so wouldn't surprise me.

Until I saw this on someone else's post. Then the REAL WTFs started....


Miss you!!

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Well, I'm awfully glad you found me. Please subscribe. It is super 'what the fuck', indeed! And please share this if so inspired.

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One of your friends shared your post. It sucks that this happened to you and to anyone else that’s been unjustly cut off.

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Hey! Thank you. Yea, it's a pretty destabilizing experience and apparently pretty common.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

hey Justice i just put up the pic for the dream key course on my facebook page.. with this if wish more info on this which is a 8 weeks exploring the Symbolic Nature of Reality. i am taking with a friend. private message me i'll let you know more about it and when and how You can join

hope this helps support you {{hugs}]] michelle

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Thanks so much! We are most definitely doing it, we will need to find another way to have our group chat space. I appreciate you promoting it. It's going to be great.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Justice Bartlett

look into discord Justice.. it quite similar to messager on facebook.. does pretty much the same thing and works well.. i have a d & d group on tuesday and we play there there is six of us it work really well and can make up one rooms and stuff i beleive and agroup chat space i think can make it private.. i think it free tooi have to as my friend that runs the group

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I'm thinking about Telegram!

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