Jan 11Liked by Justice Bartlett

Wonderful essay. I love your definition of faith. The word is related to Latin "fideo,"also the root of confidence. My confidence in unseen forces, Intelligences and entities was also shaken very early. The return of confidence in them has been laborious and slow. It's frustrating.

One distinction I've made that helps is between faith and belief. Belief describes a condition we'd (or someone) would like to be true.Beliefs are propositions that can be stated, rehearsed and instilled and perhaps they can lead faith to a degree. But if beliefs do not accord with Natural Law, Faith eventually departs. The male-only, "One-Thing-to-rule-them-All," violates Natural Law. Therefore the process of eradicating the Mystery Schools, Druids and all other pluralistic views of the Unseen took monotheistic terrorists centuries of genocide. And it will never be done because Nature's Wisdom is rooted in our Essence.

Good luck with your New Calling. I'm here for you!

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Jan 11Liked by Justice Bartlett

Well said Justice and thank you.

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