Overcoming Overwhelm; A Nervous System Approach to Wellness, Success, and Health. A Free Online Series.
Access to my interview, and other useful resources!
Hiya loves,
You may remember a while back I shared with you that I was asked to be a guest speaker and have the opportunity to bring my insights and work to a new online show called "Overcoming Overwhelm: A Nervous System Approach to Wellness and Success.” co-Hosted by Lori Montry and Mia Saenz.
Well, it’s here!
The show launches on the 18th, and my interview airs on the 25th of September.
I am stopping by with a short email to invite you to check it out and sign up, if so inspired, for the entire free event!
I’ve been immersing myself in this work for a while, personally and professionally, and I have to say that I agree:
In order to change unwanted behaviors and patterns, we must change our habits, our mindset, and build emotional resilience.
However, it’s almost impossible to change habits, thoughts and build emotional resilience when our system is stuck in survival mode.
And coming out of survival mode is key!
If you have been struggling with anxiety, depression, or find yourself procrastinating on the things that give you joy or that you need to do, please know: this is not about personal failure. This is about finding safety and balance in your body and with your own psychoneuroimmunology. That is a fancy way of saying the interplay between your mind, emotions, hormones, nervous system, and immune system.
If you, too, are ready to stop spinning your wheels and learn to harness the power of your nervous system to help you reach your goals and create more clarity, resilience and fulfillment in your life I believe you will find some beneficial material and resources offered in this series.
Join us for a FREE online interview series –
Overcoming Overwhelm - A Nervous System Approach to Health, Wellness, and Success
Beginning September 18th, we will be sharing our interviews with some of the most brilliant nervous system experts to help you understand how you can powerfully work with your system to become the person you KNOW yourself to be.
I am excited to have been included in this project, and feel that learning to work with our nervous systems can be revolutionary to our health, wealth, wellbeing, and relationships.
Sign-up today and take advantage of this special event and reclaim your vibrancy, power, and resiliency. https://womenmakingmiracles.com/overcoming-overwhelm/?ref=justice
You can also join the Facebook group, "The Greatest You Revolution" where we will be discussing daily about the show, so you have a deeper richer experience to support you. Follow the link to the page to join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thegreatestyourevolution
We can't wait to see you here, and to share the many gifts both from the educational aspect of the show, and the free-gifts that all guests are providing. You will get to know a little bit more in different aspects which is the entire meaning of this experience. To grow in a well rounded knowledge with success and wellness in mind.
A note to you all about this and any future collaborations:
I would not be sharing, let alone participating in this event if I did not believe that this kind of information is deeply needed right now for all of us to heal and build better lives and more harmonious relationships. So feel free to check it out, if so inspired. And stay tuned for the video I will be releasing shortly to help you all relax even further into states of emotional and nervous system regulation.
Losta love,