On election day, I stand firmly in the center... of myself!
This position of Self-belonging is heart-earned and body-blessed. It has not come to me easily and I will not be uprooted from it, though I do find myself frequently swaying so as not to break. Rigidity and fanaticism are more often than not our own personal as well as collective undoing.
Last night it was hard to sleep, so I found myself doing the practice I’ve created when I am feeling anxious.
Place hands on belly or wherever body part or parts calls for them.
Inquiry: Is my attachment/nervous system activated? Yes. Am I safe? Yes. On a scale of 1-10? 2 that’s not very high, but it’s important to validate it.
Where is this coming from? a. Hormones- 30% b. Collective 60% c. other (personal, relational, and financial/professional considerations 10%
Revelation: the things that usually stress me out feel pretty well managed at the moment. The collective “impressions”, however, are hitting me hard. Simply acknowledging this helped me to get to sleep even though my skin was crawling with “phantom itching”; that would be the hormones. The loneliness/attachment factor was probably minimized by the presence of my nighttime companions: cats, dog, and a dear friend whose presence and body is so comforting to me.
I digress, but I also felt the need to paint the picture with some detail and intimacy. Aside from my own physical unsettledness, my dog’s belly was also upset and I had to rise multiple times to let her out.
The aura of the evening was unsettled. Myself, my friend, and my dog were all feeling “off”—headachy, anxious, and a bit queasy. Only the cats were behaving that is if you count lying on my head “behaving”.
What is the point of sharing these details? Details are what make up our lives even more so than masses consciousness and the intentional obfuscation and derealization that occurs in concert with these collective events. Regardless of who gets elected today, it is the details of our lives that will hold our own routines and families together. Am I saying that whomever winds up in the United States’ Oval Office will not have an impact our own intimate, personal, and daily lives? No, of course I am not. But I also do not think that this process deserves the emotional and psychological drama that it tends to generate.
The election results are largely out of our control. I know, I know… we love the illusion of being given a “choice”, but we are faced with choices everyday that actually do make difference in the fabric of our reality. We get to choose how we treat each other. We get to choose to eat well or not, to move or be stagnant or rest if needed. We get to choose to take steps towards meaningful goals. We get to choose and not only to choose, but to cultivate the types of people we want to be.
Those are powerful choices!
The psychological drama, divisiveness and polarization that is “programmed” into the collective consciousness during election “season” and other attention-grabbing events does not tend to bring out the “best” in people or even evoke the more benevolent aspects of our humanity. More often than not it does the opposite.
Your “guy” is———insert whatever derogatory statement is the flavor of the day. And the downhill logic is that if you support someone I think is ——— then you yourself must also be———. This is it. This is how not only nations are divided, but neighborhoods, households and even spouses get split by ideologies. And if you choose no “ground” or a “middle ground” then you are contributing to the opposing side by having no opinion. It is a vicious bind, a vicious cycle, and I fear the “fallout” of this one in particular. Both sides have been priming the other to expect “voter fraud”. Both sides are subject to accusing the other of “cheating”. This system is sophomoric at best ignoble more accurately, and we deeply deserve better.
We deserve better than the super PAC fueled soap opera that is our election “season”. We deserve better than an oligarchy, technocracy, and corporatocracy whose values have been “bought” by the hydra that is vampire economics. We deserve better than a zombie-democracy run on greed and Red Bull (apparently) because there is not a functioning brain to be found among them, but they sure our happy to “feed” off of ours. So until the system crumbles, organically and necessarily, or it goes down in a blaze of fire and decapitated “heads” there is something that we can do.
We can “ground”. We can “root”. We can pray with our hands, heads, and hearts and follow up with compassionate and sane actions that help “land” the reality we want to live in “land”. Notice my language? You bet its intentional. I speak for the Mamma, and of the fruits of Her body and heart—that would be us. And to remind you that we know each other through the works we do.
I don't care whose name you put a little check next to, or if you do. I just hope you take care of yourself, your loved ones, and your neighbors—no matter what their political or lack of political stance is.
Go team human!
Lotsa love,
So much love for this post! ✨️🙏❤️